Do You Feed the Squirrels or the Birds?
The following poem is in a cute frame on my wall above my desk…
She fed the birds.Every day a fat grey squirrel came along and ate everything before the birds got much. It made her very frustrated. One day she decided to change her way of thinking.She said “I’m feeding that grey squirrel and I hope to heaven the birds don’t get it first.”It made her very happy.*
Do you ever feel like that? Like you are fighting an uphill battle. I think of it as if I am pushing a large boulder up a hill. When I feel that way I know I may need a re-frame. Just to chat with someone that may see things differently. I’d love to do that for you. It is one of the services I offer to real estate agents, a free 30 minute coaching session. If you would like to take advantage of this just click the link below to sign up. Click here to schedule your free coaching session.
*Kim Foley